Smashed Fingerling Potatoes

Vegetarian servings3 – 4 addedNovember 2018

  1. Wash/scrub the fingerling potatoes and boil, unpeeled, for 12 minutes. Drain and let cool.
  2. Take each fingerling between your hands and squash it between your palms. The idea is to beak the skin and flatten the potato, but not to crush it completely; it should still stay intact as much as possible.
  3. Heat a skillet with ½” to 1” of oil on high heat. When the oil is hot, about 350°F, deep-fry each fingerling, turning them over midway when each side is browned (4-5 minutes per side). Drain on paper towels.
  4. In another pan, melt butter and add minced garlic and parsley. Stir briefly over medium heat to release flavors, then toss fingerling potatoes into this mixture.