Sales Readiness Planner

My department at Microsoft develops an excellent range of training for our Sales, Marketing and Services employees. To help kick-off the 2012 Fiscal Year, I helped develop a visual roadmap that employees could use to learn more about the new training in 2012 and to help them develop a training roadmap for the year.

This project was developed using Silverlight and provided a Metro-style user interface.

In order to enable this project, we also began developing a series of web services (see L&D Services) that helped us gather information about our users and courses.

This project became the inspiration for Windows 8 projects such as the Role Guide App for Windows 8.

Microsoft Corporation
Program Manager, Software Engineer
Web app, Multimedia
Silverlight 4.0, Silverlight 5.0, XAML
Screenshot of Sales Readiness Planner Screenshot of Sales Readiness Planner Screenshot of Sales Readiness Planner Screenshot of Sales Readiness Planner