Role Guide App for Windows 8

When Microsoft first introduced the world to Windows 8 and the Metro interface, we took a look at the series of training portals that we had linked together and decided that we could create a much better experience for our end-users by creating a Windows 8 application that surfaced everything they needed in a single interface.

Our first step was to created a web services layer (see L&D Services) on top of several back-end systems that we manage. This gave us the flexility to build a UI mash-up and provided a layer that we could also use on other projects in the future.

The user experience was built using the Windows Runtime in conjunction with HTML5/JavaScript.

Microsoft Corporation
Program Manager, Software Engineer
Focus Area
Windows Runtime, HTML5, C# 5.0/.NET 4.5, RESTful Services, jQuery 1.7
Screenshot of Role Guide App for Windows 8 Screenshot of Role Guide App for Windows 8 Screenshot of Role Guide App for Windows 8 Screenshot of Role Guide App for Windows 8