Pad Kee Mao, Drunken Noodles (ผัดขี้เมา)

by , “Hot Thai Kitchen”

Pad Kee Mao, Drunken Noodles

Favorite Thai Easy servings1 addedFebruary 2021

Base Stir-Fry Sauce

  1. Mix the base stir-fry sauce ingredients in a small bowl and stir well to combine. This will keep well in the fridge more months, and it’s great for all sorts of stir fries, including fried rice!
  2. This is enough sauce for 4 servings, so use only 2 tablespoons of sauce per serving.


  1. Put garlic and both types of chilies into a mortar, and pound to a rough paste, making sure that the Thai chilies are all mushed up.
  2. In a large saute pan or a wok, heat about 2 Tbsp of vegetable oil over high heat, tilt the pan to coat the bottom. Add the chill/garlic mixture and stir until the small pieces of garlic starts to turn golden brown.
  3. Add protein, if using, and cook until half way done.
  4. Add vegetables, toss in the pan quickly to wilt.
  5. Add noodles, 2 Tbsp of the stir-fry sauce, and sugar then toss to combine and let the noodles spread apart.
  6. Add the black soy sauce, and toss again to coat. Let the noodles sit in the pan and absorb the sauce, flipping it once or twice.
  7. When the sauce is all absorbed, turn the heat off, and add the basil. Toss just to wilt the basil, plate.
