

Deep bronze and crispy on the outside, vivid green, moist and fluffy on the inside. Delicately spiced with a beautiful fresh herb flavor!

Healthy Middle Eastern Vegan prep25 mins cook25 mins total time35 mins yields8 falafels calories76


  1. Place chickpeas in a large bowl and pour over plenty of cold water. Leave to soak 12 + hours (even 2 days is fine).
  2. Drain chickpeas well. Place in food processor, add remaining Falafel ingredients.
  3. Blitz for 2 to 3 minutes on high, scraping down sides as necessary, until the chickpeas are very small grains. Mixture should look like smooth guacamole from the outside.
  4. Scoop up heaped tablespoons and shape into balls (or dome, disc or torpedo), place on a tray. Should make around 20, about 1” wide.
  5. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. If you’d like to deep fry, Pour oil in a skillet or large pot about ⅔” depth. Heat on medium high to 355°F (or drop a bit in, should sizzle energetically). Cook in batches, until deep golden and super crusty on the outside. Drain on paper towels.
  7. If you’d like to bake them, the place the falafels onto a cookie sheet that’s been greased with oil. Bake at 375°F for 25-30 minutes, turning halfway through.
  8. Serve immediately with sauce of choice! Make falafel wraps or plates with tabbouleh, tomato, onion, and sauces of choice.

Tahini Sauce

  1. Combine tahini and lemon juice, and mix well. The mixture will stiffen.
  2. Stir in the water 1 tbsp at a time and it will loosen again. The final consistency should be like a thick drizzle sauce. Season to taste with salt.


calories76 total fat4g saturated fat3g total carbohydrates7g dietary fiber2g sugars1g protein2g sodium179mg calcium25mg iron1mg potassium139mg