Ingenium Web Connect 1.0

While Meliora Systems had invested nearly all of their development resources to re-engineering the Ingenium product line to meet long-term scalability and performance needs, the Intranet was starting to become the panacea for IT departments that needed world-wide access to data. It was apparent that we needed a product in the web market; however, the company could not lose sight of the long-term importance of the re-engineering project already underway.

In the Spring of 1997, I began a prototype of web-based interface to Ingenium. The prototype was developed using Microsoft Visual InterDev 1.0, a mere week after its release, and for the first time, the vision for a commercial web product became real in the mind of the company. As Lead Developer, I was given the opportunity to take this prototype and personally develop our first web product while the remaining developers worked in parallel on the Client/Server version of Ingenium.

Ingenium Web Connect 1.0 shipped in September of 1997, just six months after its conception. With only 10,000 lines of code, Web Connect was lean, but effective, and it ensured Ingenium’s dominance in the marketplace. In October 1997, Microsoft awarded Web Connect “Cool Visual InterDev Site of the Month”.

In October 1997, Microsoft awarded Ingenium Web Connect 1.0 the “Cool Visual InterDev Site of the Month” and Microsoft showcased the product on their developer website.

Ingenium Web Connect’s simplicity and feature set contributed significantly to Meliora System’s eventual purchase by Asymetrix Learning Systems, Inc.

Meliora Systems
Lead Software Architect, Development Lead
Web app, Commercially-available, Database-driven
Focus Areas
Education, Security
Visual Basic 5.0, Microsoft Access 2.0, Visual InterDev 1.0, ASP 1.0, Internet Information Server 3.0, HTML
Screenshot of Ingenium Web Connect 1.0 Screenshot of Ingenium Web Connect 1.0 Screenshot of Ingenium Web Connect 1.0