Ingenium 5.0 Developer Resource Center

In January 2000, I released a Developer Resource website for Ingenium developers, consultants and strategic partners. The web site extended the Ingenium Developer CD concept by consolidating both internally and externally distributed resources.

The Developer Resource web site makes use of XML-based “table of contents” files which are “spliced together” as users move through the site to create a seamless experience even though the actual documents and content may be distributed across diverse sources.

It is the goal of the development team to use this Resource Center as a central repository for requirement documentation, designs and source code documentation.

SumTotal Systems
Web app
Visual InterDev 6.0, ASP 2.0, Internet Information Server 4.0, XML (Extensible Markup Language), HTML
Screenshot of Ingenium 5.0 Developer Resource Center Screenshot of Ingenium 5.0 Developer Resource Center Screenshot of Ingenium 5.0 Developer Resource Center Screenshot of Ingenium 5.0 Developer Resource Center