Learning Tools for Math

In 2018, the Learning Tools team wanted to bring the power of the Immersive Reader to students who need help comprehending math equations. (For example, students who might have Discalculia.)

On this project, we worked to extract Math equations that are supported by OneNote and Word and bring them into the Immersive Reader experience. This effort was significant because it was the first time that we needed to display content that was not plain text.

This solution was also tricky because the conversion from Math symbols into text (in order to support text-to-speech) needed to take into account the language of the document. Unfortunately, documents are sometimes tagged with the wrong language, so supporting Math also meant a deep integration with automatic language detection.

Microsoft Corporation
Principal Software Engineer
Focus Area
C# 7.0/.NET Standard 2.0, Office Agave Platform, Office Open XML 2007, TypeScript 2.x, Visual Studio 2019
Screenshot of Learning Tools for Math Screenshot of Learning Tools for Math Screenshot of Learning Tools for Math