Learning Tools for OneNote UWP

In 2017, I joined the Learning Tools team and my first responsibility was to integrate the Immersive Reader feature into the OneNote UWP application.

Immersive Reader is a document reading experience that is optimized to reduce distractions and provide literacy tools that are particularly useful for users with learning differences (such as Dyslexia) or reading in a language that is not their native language.

The OneNote UWP application supports the Office Agave platform for extensibility. As part of the integration, I worked with the OneNote team to add new Agave capabilities, ensure rigorous privacy/security requirements and substantially improve performance.

Microsoft Corporation
Senior Software Engineer
Focus Area
Office Agave Platform, TypeScript 2.x, C# 5.0/.NET 4.5, Visual Studio 2017, Windows Azure SDK 2.x
Screenshot of Learning Tools for OneNote UWP Screenshot of Learning Tools for OneNote UWP