Learning Content Search Indexer

Microsoft has a wealth of excellent training content that we develop for our employees. In this project, our goal was to make this content easily discoverable when users performed an intranet search without requiring them to go to specific web portals to search for training.

On this project, I developed an object model to consilidate course metadata from several training systems. I was then able to normalize the taxonomies that we used by the various systems so they aligned to corporate taxonomies. Courses were carefully filtered to ensure that they were appropriate for most of the employees at Microsoft and to avoid indexing content that was too specialized or secure.

The indexer also tagged courses by the regions of the world that would be offering instructor-led courses in the future so that users could quickly focus on training that would be easily accessible to them.

Microsoft Corporation
Program Manager, Development Lead
Focus Areas
Taxonomy, Education
SharePoint 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2, C#/.NET 4.0
Screenshot of Learning Content Search Indexer