Web Log Analyzer

On several projects, I’ve had the need to analyzer a large amount of Web Log data. Sometimes, I need to generate reports and other times, I need to incorporate the results into data that I can analyze in code.

This project has been something that I have built upon over time. Originally, my goal was to be able to analyze many GB of data effeciently in a small amount of memory and I wanted to be able to query the results using LINQ.

Later, I added a WPF user interface that allows users to very efficiently (in real-time) filter and summarize the data, including:

Results can be saved to Excel 2007 or Comma-Separated Value files.

This has become an indespensible tool in my toolbox for diagnostics and development.

Microsoft Corporation
Senior Consultant, Microsoft Enterprise Services
C#/.NET 3.5, SpreadSheetML 2007, Windows Presentation Foundation (XAML)
Screenshot of Web Log Analyzer